- 숨 돌릴 새도 없었다.
- There was no time to breath.
- -> I barely had enough time to catch my breath.
- breathe : 호흡하다 [breθ] / breath : 호흡 [ briːð] (e가 붙으면 동사, 브레스)
- catch breath = gather breath = recover one's breath : 숨을 돌리다
- 우리는 신선한 공기를 마시며 산책로를 따라 걸었다.
- We walked through 산책로 with fresh air.
- -> We hike along a trail breathing in the fresh air.
- along : 나란히 따라 움직이는 (선을?)
- I was walking along the street with my dog.
- This river runs along the valley.
- Why don't you come along with us?
- How are you getting along with Suji lately?
- through : 내부를 뚫고 지나가는, 관통하는 (공간을?)
- 공간 : Metro just passed through the station.
- 과정 : He sat through every playoff game. (그는 모든 플레이오프 게임 내내 앉아 있었다. 게임이라는 과정을 앉은 상태로 통과)
- 시간 : You are driving through the night. (너는 밤새 운전하고 있다. 시간이라는 공간을 통과)
- trail : (시골의) 오솔길, 시골길, / (특정 목적을 위해 따라가는) 루트
- breathe in : 숨을 들이쉬다, ~을 들이마시다.
- We can't breathe in this room because of the rank odor.
- 벽에 못을 박지 마세요.
- Don’t put a nail on a wall.
- -> Don't put nails in the wall.
- 살짝 베인 상처는 물로 씻은 후 일회용 반창고를 붙여 주세요.
- Put a one time band on a slightly cut after washing it with water.
- -> Put a band-aid on a minior cut after cleaning it (up) with water.
- -> For a minor cut, clean it up and put a band-aid on it.
- Band-Aid : 미국의 Johnson & Johnson사에서 1920년대 개발한 반창고의 상표명이었으나 지금은 일반 명사처럼 사용되고 있다. / bandage : 붕대
- 주말 일정을 비워 두겠습니다.
- I will empty my weekend schedule.
- -> I will clear my schedule for the weekend.
- empty : 물리적으로 비우다. empty your pocket.
- 인터뷰에서 그는 명성에 걸맞게 직설적이면서도 정곡을 찌르는 발언을 했다.
- He had a talk which pushed the center and was straightforward, suitable for his fame in the interview.
- -> He had a talk where he was to the point and blunt, living up to his reputation in the interview.
- -> In his interview, he lives up to his reputation for being blunt and to the point.
- live up to : ~에 부끄럽지 않게 살다; (기대 등)에 부응하다
- live up to one's reputation
- live up to someone's expectations
- blunt : 직설적인
- to the point : 간단명료한 (간결한)
- 그 사람에 대한 소송을 취하하려 한다.
- I will drop the lawsuit against him. (good!)
- 이 앨범은 크게 히트칠 것이다.
- This album will make a big success.
- -> This album will make a big hit.
- make a great [big] hit : 크게 히트하다, 큰 이익을 얻다.
- 6주 동안 깁스를 해야 한다.
- You need to 깁스 during 6 weeks.
- -> You need to wear the cast for 6 weeks.
- wear a (plaster) cast : 깁스를 하다
- 그녀는 공연 도중 무대에서 세게 넘어졌다.
- She fell down hard on the stage during the performance.
- -> She take a hard fall on the stage during the performance.
- take a fall : 넘어지다, 떨어지다.