며칠 전에 메일이 한 통 날아왔다. 제목은 IN-TECH Book Chapter Nomination이고, Dear Dr.(!) Lee로 시작하는 메일이다.
대충 번역해 보면,
이박사님께.. (일단 호칭 좋고. ㅋㅋㅋ)
박사님께서 쓰신 Haptic Weather라는 논문으로 인해 Advanced Haptics라는 책의 한 챕터를 쓸 수 있도록 임명 되셨습니다.
챕터당 비용은 470유로를 드립니다. (오호..)
470유로가 얼마인지도 모르지만, 일단 책을 쓸 수 있다는 말에 솔깃했으나, 회사와서 Haptics에 손 뗀지 어언 1년이요, 1년 전으로 돌아가더라도, 능력 밖의 일임을 너무나 잘 알기에, 친히 교수님께 메일을 포워딩을 해드렸다.
교수님 가라사데
“채현아, 이 메일은 마구 오는 거의 스팸이라고 생각하면 된다. 벌써 몇 번 째인지 모르겠네 ^^”
솔직히 진짜 책 저자로 nominate 된 줄 알고, 살짝 들떴는데, 완전 망신이였음. ㅋㅋㅋ 어여 진짜 책의 저자가 될 수 있도록 내공을 쌓자. ㅠ.ㅠ
From: Aleksandar Lazinica <lazinica@intechweb.org>
Date: 2009/4/21
Subject: IN-TECH Book Chapter Nomination
Dear Dr. Lee,
last week I have sent you the following email, please answer me.
My name is Aleksandar Lazinica and I am contacting you regarding the
In-Tech new book project under the working title "Advances in
Haptics", ISBN 978-953-7619-X-X.
Based on your paper "Haptic Weather" you are nominated to submit
proposal for the book chapter. You are however neither limited to the
paper topic nor we are asking you to republish the above paper.
The book will be published by IN-TECH, worlds largest advanced
technologies open access platform. All IN-TECH books are published as
a hard copy (with ISBN number) and online as open access.
Being an Open Access Publisher, IN-TECH does not receive payment for
subscription as the journals and books are freely accessible over the
Authors of articles are required to pay a fair handling fee for
processing their articles. However, there are no submission charges.
Authors are required to make payment ONLY after their manuscript has
been accepted for publishing.
The handling fee per chapter is 470 Euro.
Please note that all IN-TECH books are downloaded averagely 1000 times
per month, with classical selling of hardcopy books such number of
potential readers is not possible.
I hope that you agree with the open access idea and would share your
expert knowledge with scientific open access community.
1. Please inform me about your decision whether you are willing to contribute
2. Submit tentative title and chapter abstract (app. one A4 page)
DEADLINE: May 11, 2009
Kind Regards from Vienna,
Aleksandar Lazinica
P.S. For any further question or concern you may have please contact me ASAP.
Please visit intechweb.org where you can download all our book
chapters and journal papers for free of charge!
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A-1070 Vienna, Austria