- 나는 사람을 볼 줄 압니다.
- I know how to analyze an impression of a person.
- -> I am a good judge of character.
- character education : 인성 교육
- chracter : 성격, 기질
- 그 교수님은 점수를 잘 주십니다.
- The professor usually gives high scores.
- -> The professor is an easy grader.
- easy : 수월한/너그러운
- grader : 채점자, 등급을 매기는 사람
- 정말 싸게 사셨네요.
- You bought it really cheap.
- -> That's a bargain.
- -> That's a good deal.
- 종교 있으세요?
- Do you have a religion?
- -> Are you a believer?
- -> Do you believe in god?
- 저는 집순이입니다.
- I usually stay at home.
- -> I am a homebody.
- -> I rarely leave home.
- homebody : 비격식. 집에 있기를 좋아하는 사람
- 음식은 괜찮았지만 일부 식당 종업원의 태도가 불쾌했다.
- Food was nice but the attitude of some restaurant servers was unpleasant.
- -> The food was nice but the attitude of some restaurant servers was a turn-off.
- turn-off : 비격식. 흥미[매력] 없는 사람[것]
- The city's crime rate is a serious turn-off to potential investors.
- 그 도시의 범죄율은 잠재 투자자들에게 심각한 매력 감소 요소이다.
- 비자 발급은 정말 번거롭다.
- Getting a VISA is really troublesome.
- -> Getting a VISA is a hassle.
- hassle : 귀찮은 [번거로운] 상황[일] = inconvenience, bother
- 수학 시험에서 100점 맞았다.
- I got a 100 on the math exam.
- -> I aced my math exam.
- ace : (속어) ~에서 A평점을 받다; 완패시키다, 능가하다
- 애플이 그 제품의 가격을 너무 높게 정한 것 같다.
- I think Apple set the price of the product too high.
- -> I think Apple priced the product too high.
- 요즘 간식으로 과자대신 과일을 먹는다.
- I recently eat fruits instead of biscuit as a snack.
- I recently snack on fruits instead of biscuits.
- snack : vi 간식을 먹다.
- It's healthier to snack on fruit rather than chocolate.