- (회사가 설립된 지) 우리는 이제 5년째 접어들었습니다.
- 5 years have passed since company building.
- -> 5 years have passed since I establish this company.
- -> We are into our fifth year.
- 좀 더 편한 옷으로 갈아입고 오겠습니다.
- I’ll be back with more comfortable clothes. (o)
- -> I'll change into something more comfortable.
- change into : ~으로 바꾸다 / ~으로 갈아입다.
- change into a light summer suit.
- 그는 이제 그 쇼에 출연하지 않습니다.
- He will not come out from the show any more.
- -> He will not come out the show any more.
- -> He is off the show now.
- off : <고정, 부착된 곳>에서 (떨어져), <탈것 등>~에서 내려서, ~에서 빠져
- The member is off the team.
- 저는 지난주에 그 약 먹는 것을 중지했습니다.
- I stopped taking the medicine last week.
- -> I'm off the medicine now. (상태)
- -> I got off the medicine last week.
- get off : 그만하다.
- Are you on(<->off) any medicine?
- 저희 가을 카탈로그는 갓 출간되어 따끈따끈합니다.
- Our fall catalog is freshly published so it is so hot.
- -> Our fall cataglog is fresh off the press.
- off the press : 인쇄가 끝나서, 출판되어
- The author's book is off the press now and will be marketed.
- 저는 아침은 꼭 챙겨 먹습니다.
- I always eat breakfast.
- -> I am big on breakfast.
- -> I value breakfast.
- big on : ~을 대단히 좋아하여;, ~에 열광하여
- Dad is big on Christmas with the whole family.
- 저는 중학교 때 학교 육상부에서 활동했습니다.
- I exercised at school 육상부 in middle school.
- -> I was on the track team in middle school.
- 그때는 마음이 아팠지만 지금은 다 지난 일입니다.
- My mind was hurt at that time, but now it is all gone.
- -> My heart was broken at that time but I'm over it.
- 오늘 아침 일어나 보니 허리가 끊어질 듯 아팠다.
- When I woke up in the morning, my back was really painful.
- -> I woke up this morning to a terrible back pain.
- e.g.) The talk between the North and South came to a stop. (상태의 변화)
- e.g.) I woke up this morning to a noise.
- 그는 술을 마시고 운전하다 붙잡혔다.
- He got caught after drinking and driving.
- -> He was caught for drunken driving.
- drunken driving = drink-driving = drunk driving : 음주 운전