- 이런 상황에서 우리는 이 문제에 대해 좀 더 강경한 입장을 취해야 합니다.
- In these circumstances, we should hold a stronger position about this problem.
- -> In these circumstances, we should take a stronger position about this problem.
- -> This makes it imperative for us to take a firmer stance on this issue.
- -> This requires us to take a firmer stance on this issue.
- imperative : 반드시 해야 하는, 긴요한 = vital / ~ (to do sth) / ~ (that...)
- It is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week.
- 이번 설문조사 결과를 보니 시장 상황이 변화하고 있는 것 같다.
- According to the result of this survey, market situations seem to have changed.
- -> The survey shows us a shift in the market landscape.
- -> The survey hints at a shift in the market landscape.
- landscape : 풍경; 전망, 조망 (prospect)
- 정치적 견해가 다르다는 이유로 취업을 제한해서는 안 된다.
- Getting a job should not be limited because of political differences.
- -> Political differences should not limit the chances to get a job.
- -> Political differences should not justify denying a person a job.
- deny : 거부하다. ~ sth (to sb) / ~ (sb) (sth)
- They were denied access to the information.
- 어떤 조직이든 성공하기 위해서는 충성심 높고 유능한 인력이 필수적이다.
- High loyalty and smart people are necessary for any organization to succeed.
- -> People with high loyalty and competency are essential for any organization to succeed.
- -> A committed and competent staff/workforce is vital for any organization to succeed.
- committed : 헌신적인, 열성적인
- a committed member of the team
- competent : 능숙한, (수준이) 만족할 만한
- He's very competent in his work.
- 조직을 근본적으로 변화시키려면 강력한 리더십이 필수적이다.
- Strong leadership is essential for an organization to change it fundamentally.
- -> Strong leadership is essential to bring fundamental change to an organization.
- 프로젝트가 성공하기 위해서는 충분한 재원을 마련할 수 있는지가 관건이다.
- Whether we can prepare enough money is a key to the success of this project.
- -> Whether we can secure enough funds is the key to the success of this project.
- 이 마케팅 전략이 성공하기 위해서는 지속적인 품질개선이 필요하다.
- (o) Continuous quality improvement is necessary for the success of this marketing strategy. (good)
- = The success of the marketing scheme requires (need, demand, call for, necessitate) continuous quality improvement.
- 그렇다고 해서 우리가 더 잘하기 위해 노력할 필요가 없다는 것은 아니다.
- Even in that situation, it does not mean that we do not need to do our best to do better.
- -> That does not execuse us from trying to do better.
- execuse : 양해하다, 면제해 주다. / ~ sb (from sth/from doing sth)
- She was excused from giving evidence becuase of her age. 그녀는 나이 때문에 증언하는 것을 면제받았다.
- 이 다리가 완공되면 그 섬으로 가는 길이 한층 쉬워질 것이다.
- (o) Completion of that bridge makes it easy to go to that island.
- = The bridge (when completed) will greatly facilitate access to the island.
- facilitate : 가능하게 하다, 용이하게 하다
- The new trade agreement should faciliate more rapid economic growth.
- 이 소책자를 자세히 읽고 오시면 인허가 절차를 신속히 처리하실 수 있습니다.
- Reading this small book carefully can help you process licensing procedures in a hurry.
- -> Careful review will expedite the approval process.
- -> Careful review will speed up the process of approval.
- booklet : 소책자
- expedite : 더 신속히 처리하다. = speed up
- We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers.