- 계산은 제가 알아서 처리했습니다.
- I paid the bill by myself.
- ▷I took care of the bill.
- ▷The bill was taken care of.
- 저는 누가 저를 기다리게 하는 걸 참지 못하는 성격입니다.
- My character cannot endure when someone makes me wait.
- ▷I can't stand being kept waiting.
- stand : [수동태로는 안 씀, 진행형으로는 쓰이지 않음] 참다, 견디다 (특히 부정문 의문문에 쓰여 싫어함을 강조함)
- I can't stand his brother. : 난 그의 형을 참을 수가 없어 [정말 싫어]
- keep somebody waiting : ~을 기다리게 하다
- 벽지는 비눗물을 적신 부드러운 천으로 닦아주세요.
- Wipe wallpapers with a soft cloth combined with soapy water.
- ▷The wall paper should be cleaned with a soft cloth dampened with soapy water.
- 기술 지원부에 이메일로 여러 개의 질문을보냈는데 모든 질문에 대해 신속하게 답장을 해 주셨습니다.
- I emailed technical support several questions and they responded quickly about all of them.
- ▷I emailed the technical support many questions and each question was replied to in a prompt manner.
- prompt : 즉각적인, 지체없는
- manner : (일의) 방식
- She answered in a businesslike manner. : 그녀는 사무적으로 대답했다.
- 주말에 사무실에 도둑이 들었어요.
- Thief visited our office on the weekend.
- ▷My office was broken into over the weekend.
- break into something : 몰래 침입하다
- over the weekend : 이번 주말에 // on the weekend : 잘 쓰이진 않지만 over the weekend와 바꿔 써도 ok
- on (the) weekends : 주말마다 // over the weekends는 안 씀
- 다른 직원이 도와드리고 있나요?
- Is other staff helping you?
- ▷Are you being served?
- ▷Are you being helped?
- 누군가 뒤쫓아오는 사람이 있나 해서 돌아보았다.
- I looked back to see whether someone followed me.
- ▷I looked back to see if I was being followed.
- 병원에 가면 의사들이 내 말을 들어주지 않는다는 느낌을 받을 때가 종종 있다.
- When I go to hospital, I sometimes feel that doctors do not listen carefully to me.
- ▷When I go to see a doctor, I often feel that I'm not being listened to.
- 공항에 누가 마중을 나오기로 되어 있습니다.
- Someone is supposed to pick you up at the airport.
- ▷I'm being picked up at the airport.
- 우리 집 고양이는 사람들이 만지는 것을 싫어합니다.
- My cat at home does not like being touched by people.
- ▷My cat does not like to be touched.
- 뻔한 건 생략해도 된다. my cat (at home) / touched (by people)