- 그는 자신의 가족이 받은 대우에 매우 화가 났다.
- He was very upset about the treatment of his family.
- ▷He was insanely upset about the way his family had been treated.
- 부모와 자식과의 관계는 아주 특별하다.
- A relationship between parents and children is very special.
- ▷The relationship between parents and children is like no other.
- like no other : 남 다른, 둘도 없는, 아주 특별한
- This car is like no other.
- 그의 음악은 매우 독특하다.
- His music is very unique.
- ▷His music is one of a kind.
- one of a kind : 독특한 사람, 유례를 찾기 힘든 것 = unique
- My father was one of a kind.
- 다음날 눈을 떴을 때 몸이 믿기 힘들 정도로 엄청나게 아팠다.
- My body was unbelievably painful when I woke up the next day.
- ▷I was in terrible pain when I woke up the next day.
- have [feel] a pain in : 통증을 느끼다
- I have a pain in the neck.
- My neck is in pain.
- be in pain : feel pain in a part of your body
- 추운 겨울에는 뜨거운 욕조 물에 들어가는 게 최고다.
- Entering a hot tub is the best in a cold winter.
- ▷There is nothing like soaking in a hot tub on a cold winter day.
- there is nothing like soemthing : ~만한 [만큼 좋은] 것은 없다
- There's nothing like a brisk walk on a cold day.
- soak : (액체 속에 푹) 담그다
- I usually soak the beans overnight.
- 이 호텔을 정말 적극 추천합니다.
- I strongly recommend this hotel.
- ▷I can't recommend this hotel enough.
- 밤에 자전거를 탈 때는 정말 조심해야 합니다.
- You should be really careful when you ride a bicycle at night.
- ▷You can't be too careful when you go cycling at night.
- you can't be too careful : 아무리 조심해도 부족하다. 조심할수록 좋다. = you should be careful to avoid danger or problems.
- cycling : 자전거 타기 / to go cycling
- 그 유튜브 영상은 정말 최고로 웃기다.
- That youtube video is really fun.
- ▷That youtube video is as funny as it can get.
- ▷That youtube video is as hilarious as it can get.
- as ... as you can get (it) : 원하는 만큼[최고로]... 한
- hilarious : 아주 우스운, 재미있는
- 이 제품은 실용성 빼면 시체다.
- This product is nothing except practicality.
- ▷This product is nothing if not practical.
- 그는 은퇴할 생각이 전혀 없다.
- He never thinks about retirement.
- ▷He is nowhere near ready to retire.
- ▷He is nowhere near retiring.
- nowhere near = not anywhere near : 결코 ~가 아니게[~와는 아주 동떨어지게)
- The job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me.