- 벽의 전원 소켓에 먼저 꽂은 후 컴퓨터에 연결합니다.
- After sticking it into the power socket on the wall, connect it to your computer.
- ▷You plug it into the wall socket first and then connect it to your computer.
- 재킷에 브로치를 달다가 손가락을 찔렀다.
- As I
installed a brooch on the jacket, my finger was stabbed.
- ▷I pricked my finger while trying to pin a brooch to my jacket.
- prick : (피가 나거나 아프도록 피부를) 찌르다 // stab : (칼같이 뾰족한 것으로) 찌르다
- She pricked her finger on a needle. 그녀는 바늘에 손가락을 찔렸다.
- pin : (핀 등으로) 꽂다(고정시키다)
- She pinned the badge onto her jacket.
- brooch [ broʊtʃ ] 브로치
- 바다사자 한 무리가 부두에서 햇볕을 쬐고 있었다.
- A group of sea lions was enjoying sunshine on the pier.
- ▷A pack of sea lions was sunning on the deck.
- sun [vn/vi] 햇볕을 쬐다
- We lay sunning ourselves on the deck.
- 그 집은 남향집입니다.
- The house looks south.
- ▷The house faces south.
- 우리는 매년 하와이로 휴가를 간다.
- We go on vacation to Hawaii every year.
- ▷We vacation in Hawaii every year.
- vacation [vi] 휴가를 보내다
- They are currently vacationing in Florida.
- 증오심 때문에 그의 판단력이 흐려졌다.
- Hate made his judgment worse.
- ▷His hatred clouded his judgement.
- hatred : 증오(감) ~ (for/of sb/sth) / ~ (towards sb)
- He looked at me with intense hatred. 그가 잔뜩 증오에 찬 눈길로 나를 보았다.
- cloud : (기억 판단력 등을) 흐리다
- Doubts were beginning to cloud my mind. 의혹이 나의 정신을 흐려 놓기 시작하고 있었다.
- 오늘 아침에 전화가 빗발치게 걸려왔다.
- There were a lot of phone calls this morning.
- ▷Phone calls flooded in this morning.
- ▷We were flooded with calls this morning.
- flood [vi] 쇄도하다, 폭주하다, 물밀듯이 밀려들다. ~ in/into/out of sth
- Refugees continue to flood into neighbouring countries.
- 저희 식당은 대부분의 재료를 국내 생산업자와 농가에서 공급받습니다.
- Our restaurant receives most of the ingredients from local producers and farmers.
- ▷Our restaurant sources most of the ingredients from local producers and farmers.
- 나는 내년에 우리 아파트를 에어비엔비를 통해 공유할 계획이다.
- My plan is to share our apartment through Airbnb next year.
- ▷My plan is to airbnb my apartment next year.
- ▷My plan is to put my apartment on Airbnb.
- 나는 모퉁이를 돌자마자 스쿠터를 발견했다.
- As soon as I turned the corner, I found the scooter.
- ▷As soon as I rounded the corner, I spotted the scooter.
- spot : 발견하다, 찾다, 알아채다
- I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.